Estonia - flag Estonia - Passport & Nationality - Estonian Citizenship (naturalisation)

A foreigner who wishes to acquire Estonian citizenship has to:

• be at least 15 years of age;
• have a long-term residence permit or a permanent right of residence;
o have lived in Estonia on the basis of a residence permit or the right of residence for at least eight years prior to the date on which he or she submits an application for Estonian citizenship and permanently at least the last five years;
o have legally and permanently resided in Estonia on the basis of a residence permit of a long-term resident or the right of permanent residence for six months from the day following the date of registration of the application for Estonian citizenship;
o have a registered residence in Estonia;
• have general knowledge of Estonian needed in everyday life;
• have knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act;
• have a permanent legal income, which ensures his or her own subsistence and that of his or her dependents;
• be loyal to the Estonian state;
• take an oath: "Taotledes Eesti kodakondsust, totan olla ustav Eesti phiseaduslikule korrale" [In applying for Estonian citizenship, I swear to be loyal to the constitutional order of Estonia.]

In order for an adult to acquire Estonian citizenship he or she has to pass an exam on his/her knowledge of the official language and an exam on his/her knowledge of the Constitution and the Citizenship Act of the Republic of Estonia. The state examination of the Estonian language is not obligatory for a person who has completed basic education, secondary education or higher education in the Estonian language. If a foreigner wishes to receive Estonian citizenship through naturalization, he/she has to renounce any former citizenship.

One may receive Estonian citizenship in a simplified procedure for special services rendered. Implementation of the requirements provided above are not mandatory with regard to persons whose achievements are of special merit to the Estonian state. Achievements of special merit are deemed to be achievements in the areas of science, culture, sports or in other areas.

Documents submitted for acquisition of Estonian citizenship by naturalisation

In order to acquire Estonian citizenship by naturalisation, a person shall submit a holographic application written in Estonian which sets out the following details concerning him or her:
• given name and surname;
• information concerning any changes to his or her given name or surname;
• date and place of birth;
• mother tongue;
• citizenship;
• residence;
• the oath of allegiance;
• signature.

In addition to the application, the person shall submit:
• two photographs (4 x 5 cm);
• identification and citizenship documents;
• a document certifying that he or she is staying in Estonia in accordance with the requirements provided for in this Act;
• a holographic curriculum vitae written in Estonian which sets out the applicant's career, the time and the circumstances under which he or she settled in Estonia, any persons who arrived in Estonia together with the applicant, the applicant's marital status and any changes therein during his or her residence in Estonia, all previous residences in Estonia, information concerning immediate family, and also any ties with foreign military, intelligence or security organisations; if the applicant was born in Estonia, the time and circumstances under which his or her parents settled in Estonia shall also be set out;
• documents certifying his or her education and career;
• document certifying permanent legal income;
• a certificate of his or her knowledge of the Estonian language or documents certifying that he or she has acquired basic, secondary or higher education in Estonian;
• a certificate of his or her knowledge of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia and the Citizenship Act;
• Proof of payment of state fee


Ask Philip Gamble whether you (or your children) have a claim to British nationality.

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