Germany - Passport & Nationality - German Citizenship (Naturalisation)
German citizenship may be acquired by naturalisation by those with permanent residence who have lived in Germany for 8 years. Additional requirements include an adequate command of the German language and an ability to be self-supporting without recourse to welfare.
Applicants for naturalisation are normally expected to prove they have renounced their existing nationality, or will lose this automatically upon naturalisation. An exception applies to those unable to give up their nationality easily (such as refugees). A further exception applies to citizens of European Union member states that do not require Germans to renounce citizenship upon naturalisation in that country.
Exceptions to the normal residence requirements include:
A spouse of a German citizen may be naturalised after 3 years residence in Germany and the marriage must have persisted for at least 2 years.
Persons who have completed an integration course may have the residence requirement reduced to 7 years
Refugees and stateless persons may be able to apply after 6 years residence
Former German citizens
Victims of Nazi persecution
Some persons who lost German citizenship under the Nazi regime (mainly German Jews) may be eligible for naturalisation without requiring residence in Germany or renunciation of their existing citizenship. Children and grandchildren of such persons may also be eligible for German citizenship.
German-born children
Under transitional arrangements in the 1999 reforms (effective 1 January 2000), children who were born in Germany in 1990 or later, and would have been German had the law change been in force at the time, were entitled to be naturalised as German citizens.
An application for naturalisation was required by 31 December 2000.
The child was required to apply for retention of German citizenship by age 23 and normally show that no other foreign citizenship was held at that time.
Naturalization statistics
From 1995 to 2004, 1,278,424 foreigners have obtained German citizenship by naturalization. This means, that about 1.5 % of the total German population had been naturalized during that period.