Germany - Passport & Nationality - German Citizenship by Descent
People born to a parent who was a German citizen at the time of birth are usually German citizens automatically and at birth. It does not matter whether they were born in Germany or not. Nor does it matter if the parent is a naturalised German.
Those born after 1 January 1975 are Germans if either parent was s a German citizen. Before that date, it normally only passed down from a German father.
Special rules exist for those born before 1 July 1993 if only the father is German and is not married to the mother. The father must acknowledge paternity before the child is 23, or acknowledge paternity and marry the mother and the child must declare himself or herself to be a German citizen.
Those born outside Germany to a German parent who was themselves born outside Germany after 1999 will need to be registered as a German citizen within 12 months of birth. An exception applies if the child is stateless.
Persons who are Germans on the basis of descent from a German parent do not have to apply to retain German citizenship by age 23. If they acquire another citizenship at birth, they can usually continue to hold this.