Kuria Muria Islands (now part of Yemen)
STATUS OF THE YEMEN (previously Aden)
Aden Colony (including Kuria Muria and Perim Islands)
From 1839 until 31.12.1948, the Aden Colony formed part of the British Crown Dominions. The Kuria Muria Islands and Perim Islands joined in 1854 and 1957 respectively).
Between 01.01.1949 and 17.01.1963, the colony formed part of the UK and Colonies.
From 18.01.1963 to 29.11.1967, it fell within the UK and Colonies as the Federation (but excluded the Kuria Muria and Perim Islands).
Click here for more information on the status of Citizen of the United Kingdom & Colonies (CUKC), a status achieved by birth in the Colony.
Yemen as created by merge of the Aden Colony, the Aden Protectorates and Kamaran on 30.11.1967 and has remained a foreign country since that date. It excludes the Kuria Muria Islands.
For more information on how British Nationality can be claimed based on links to Aden and Yemen, click on British Nationality for Aden and Yemen.