Switzerland - Work Skills & Ancestry - Service Providers
Nationals from EU-17, EU-8 and EFTA countries are entitled to provide permit free services for up to 90 working days per person and calendar year. There is, however, an obligation to report to the authorities. As a rule, this may be done online. Note: Until April 30th, 2011, EU-8 nationals who would like to work in one of the four following branches require a short-term residence permit. This must be requested from the competent migration authorities:
â Main and subsidiary construction sectors
â Plants and horticulture
â Industrial and company cleaning
â Surveillance and security services
The relevant short-term residence permit is required from the first working day. These persons must therefore report to the competent authorities beforehand.
Nationals from Bulgaria and Romania are entitled to provide permit-free services for up to 90 working days per person and calendar year. There is, however, an obligation to report to the authorities, which may be done online. Note: Nationals from Bulgaria and Romania who would like to work in one of the four following branches require a short-term residence permit from the first working day. This must be requested from the competent migration authorities:
â Main and subsidiary construction sectors
â Plants and horticulture
â Industrial and company cleaning
â Surveillance and security services