United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality - British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony Marriage
A woman has a potential claim to the status of British Overseas Citizen (or BOC) where she (or her father) were born in former British Colony before its independence. It arises where:
- the woman (or her father) was born in a former British Colony;
- the woman married a man before the independence of her own country of birth; AND
- the woman's husband (or her father-in law) was born in a former British Colony that gained its independence after the Independence of the woman's country of birth.
This BOC status could be upgraded in some circumstances where the candidate has the Right of Abode. This normally arises where:
- the woman has a UK-born grandparent;
- the woman's husband (or her father-in-law) was born in the UK;
- the woman spent at least 5 years in the UK before 1983; OR
- the woman holds no other nationality.
In addition, the applicant must have escaped the Automatic Loss provisions that were enacted upon independence of her country of birth.