United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality Visas
Nationality of a country (often referred to as Citizenship) implies that you are a citizen of that country and enjoy the rights and protections afforded by such citizenship. In general, this means that a national can:
- live and work freely in that country;
- vote in elections
- obtain a Passport and travel on it around the world
- get protection and assistance at embassies in foreign countries.
Solutions available for United Kingdom:
- Ancestral Citizenship
- Ancestral Passport
- Asians in Burma (UK Nationality)
- Asians in Kenya (UK Nationality)
- Asians in Sri Lanka (UK Nationality)
- Asians in Tanzania (UK Nationality)
- Asians in Uganda (UK Nationality)
- Autoloss on Independence
- British by Double Descent
- British Citizenship
- British Citizenship (Adopted outside the UK) 4L Discretion - British mother
- British Citizenship (Adopted outside the UK) Over 18
- British Citizenship (Adoption in the UK)
- British Citizenship Application
- British Citizenship (Bechuanaland Birth)
- British Citizenship (Bechuanaland Birth - Married to British man)
- British Citizenship (Birth pre 49 to Eastern European parent)
- British Citizenship (British Father Sec 4E-J)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory - Birth post 82)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory - Birth pre 83)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory Colony)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory - Father)
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory - Mother) Post 82
- British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory PGF)
- British Citizenship by Birth
- British Citizenship by Birth (1981-1-1b)-Parent Resident
- British Citizenship by Birth (1981-1-2) Abandoned
- British Citizenship by Birth (1981-1-4) Child Residency
- British Citizenship by Birth Application
- British Citizenship by Birth (British Parent)
- British Citizenship by Birth (EEA National Parent)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Parent had Right of Abode)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Post 82)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Post 82 - Irish parent)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Post 82 - Parent 4L by Discretion)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Post 82 - Parent with RoA)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Post 82 - Under 18)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Settled parent)
- British Citizenship by Birth (Stateless UK Birth)
- British Citizenship by Birth (US Father)
- British Citizenship by Descent
- British Citizenship by Descent (1981-11)
- British Citizenship by Descent Application
- British Citizenship by Descent (British Father)
- British Citizenship by Descent (British Mother)
- British Citizenship by Descent (British Parent post 82)
- British Citizenship by Descent (British Parents)
- British Citizenship by Descent (Consular Registration)
- British Citizenship by Descent (Hong Kong)
- British Citizenship by Descent (Mother Registration)
- British Citizenship by Descent (Parent born in UK pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Descent (Protectorate pre Independence)
- British Citizenship by Descent (St Christopher)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKF pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKM Autoloss)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKM British Registration)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKM Non Std pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKM Registration - Parent Marriage pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Descent (UKM Registration through Marriage)
- British Citizenship by Discretion (Hong Kong - Registration)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (12(5)1948)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (12(5)1948 PGF Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (12(5)1948 PGF Colony Marriage)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (1979 Home Secretary)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (1979 Home Secretary - Pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Albania)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Bahrain)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Botswana)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Brunei)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Bulgaria)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Cameroon)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a China)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Cyprus)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Egypt)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Ethiopia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a ETJ)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Father)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Gambia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Ghana)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Greece)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a India)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Iran)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Iraq)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Israel)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Japan)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Jordan)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Kenya)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Kiribati)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Kuwait)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Lebanon)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Libya)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Malawi)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Malaysia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Maldives)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Morocco)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Mother)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Namibia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Nauru)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Nigeria)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Northern Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a North Korea)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Oman)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Papua New Guinea)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Qatar)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Samoa)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Saudi Arabia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Sierra Leone)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Solomon Islands)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Somalia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a South Korea)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Swaziland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Syria)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Tanzania)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Thailand)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Tonga)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Transvaal)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Tunisia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Turkey)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Tuvalu)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a UAE)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Uganda)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (48-5(1)a Vanuatu)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (51A ETJ PGGF)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Bechuanaland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (BOC by Descent - Marriage RoA)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (British Territory - Ireland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Burma Father)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Burma Independence)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent by Discretion (4L BOTC 12(5) PGF)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Child Registration)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Colony Marriage)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Colony Mother UKM)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Colony with RoA)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Commonwealth-48d1)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Commonwealth-48d2)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Dominion UKM)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Aden)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Anguilla)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Antigua and Barbuda)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Bahamas)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Barbados)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Belize)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Bermuda)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Botswana)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Brunei)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service BSAP)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - BVI)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Cayman Islands)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Cyprus)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Dominica)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Falklands)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Fiji)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Gambia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Ghana)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Gibraltar)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Grenada)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Guyana)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Hong Kong)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service in India)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service in Newfoundland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service in Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service in WWII)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Jamaica)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Kenya)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Kiribati)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Lesotho)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Malawi)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Malaysia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Malta)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Mauritius)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Montserrat)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Nigeria)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Northern Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Pacific Islands)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Pitcairn Islands)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service post 82)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service post 82 No GP)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service post 82 Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Seychelles)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Sierra Leone)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Singapore)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Somalia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - St Helena)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - St Kitts and Nevis)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - St Lucia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - St Vincent)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Swaziland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Tanzania)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Tonga)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Trinidad)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Turks and Caicos)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Crown Service - Uganda)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (ETJ Right of Abode)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Federal Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Federal Rhodesia - Marriage by Descent)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Grandmother)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Kenya)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Losing South African Domicility Pre 49)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Marriage pre 49 with RoA)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Mother Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Mother with Abode)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Northern Rhodesia)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland Birth)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland Father)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland Federal Parent)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland - Ireland)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland Mother)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland PGF)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG 1948 5aROAF Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG 1948 5aROAM Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG-1981 S3(2) 2010)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG-1981 S3(2) 2010) Colony
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG-1981 S3(2) 2010) Protectorate
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG-1981 S3(2) 2010) Territory Maternal
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PG-1981 S3(2) 2010) Territory Paternal
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (PGF Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Post 82 Birth Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Post 82 Birth Protectorate)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 12(3))
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Birth)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Birth Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Birth Colony) Father
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Birth Colony) Mother
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Birth Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Commonwealth)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 ETJ-12(4))
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Foreign Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 49 Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Pre 83 Birth Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Protectorate from Father)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Registration-48b1)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Registration S4(C)-Mother)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Rhodesian Father)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Rhodesia Pre 23)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Romein BOTC)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Romein - Marriage pre 49)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Romein UKM pre 49)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Romein Wedlock)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (SA Stateless Child)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Sec12(6) Construance)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Sec 17(a) Territory - BOTC)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Sec 2(1) 1981 Sec 14(i))
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Sec 2(1) 1981 Sec 14(ii))
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Sec 39 Mother 1981)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Section 3(5))
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Section 7 RoA)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (South Africa)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (St Christopher)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory - Marriage pre 49)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory PGF Colony)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UK-born grandparent)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM 12(5)1948 PGF)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM 12(5)1948 PGF) Father
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM 12(5)1948 PGF) Mother
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM 12(5)1948 PGF) Partner
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM 12(5)1948 PGM)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM CBR pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM CBR pre 83 PGF)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM Colony CBR pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM ETJ)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM Territory)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM Territory CBR pre 83)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Upgradable BOC)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Upgrade of BOTC Status)
- British Citizenship by Double Descent (Vanuatu)
- British Citizenship by Marriage (Nyasaland)
- British Citizenship by Marriage (Pre 49)
- British Citizenship by Marriage (Pre 49 - ETJ)
- British Citizenship by Naturalisation
- British Citizenship by Naturalisation Application
- British Citizenship by Naturalisation - EEA National
- British Citizenship by Registration - 1981 (4B)
- British Citizenship by Registration - Minor
- British Citizenship by Registration - Minor 3(1) Discretionary
- British Citizenship by Registration - Minor 3(1) Gen
- British Citizenship by Registration - Minor 3(1) Romein
- British Citizenship by Registration - Mother UKM Qualifier 2010
- British Citizenship by Registration - Resumption
- British Citizenship by Registration - Resumption Sec 10(2)
- British Citizenship by Registration - Resumption Section 13
- British Citizenship by Special Circumstances
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (48-5(1)a)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Children)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Children of Romein Qualifiers)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Federal Dissolution - MGGF)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Federal Dissolution - PGGF)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Federal Rhodesia Twin Right of Abode)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Pre 15 Foreign Country)
- British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Pre 49 ETJ-12(4))
- British Citizenship (Chagos)
- British Citizenship (Child - Adopted outside the UK)
- British Citizenship (Child - Adopted outside the UK) British parent
- British Citizenship (Colony Mother - Post 82)
- British Citizenship (Colony Parent and Residency)
- British Citizenship (CUKC Father pre 49 by Descent)
- British Citizenship (Federal Rhodesia Marriage)
- British Citizenship (Federal Rhodesia Marriage by Descent)
- British Citizenship (Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland)
- British Citizenship (Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland - Registration)
- British Citizenship for Children
- British Citizenship for Grandchildren
- British Citizenship from Father
- British Citizenship from Grandfather
- British Citizenship from Grandmother
- British Citizenship from Grandparent
- British Citizenship from Mother
- British Citizenship from Parent
- British Citizenship (Kenya)
- British Citizenship (Kenya Protectorate UKM)
- British Citizenship (Kenya Stateless Child)
- British Citizenship (Marriage to CUKC Husband pre 49)
- British Citizenship (Married to BOTC Husband)
- British Citizenship - Pre 49 Birth Colony
- British Citizenship (Stateless)
- British Citizenship (St Christopher)
- British Citizenship (Swaziland - Married to British man)
- British Citizenship through Ancestry
- British from Grandfather
- British from Grandmother
- British from Grandparent
- British Nationality
- British Nationality and Hong Kong
- British Nationality Application
- British Nationality by Birth
- British Nationality by Birth Application
- British Nationality by Descent
- British Nationality by Descent Application
- British Nationality by Double Descent
- British Nationality for Children
- British Nationality for Grandchildren
- British Nationality from Father
- British Nationality from Grandfather
- British Nationality from Grandmother
- British Nationality from Grandparent
- British Nationality from Mother
- British Nationality from Parent
- British National Overseas (BNO)
- British National Overseas (BNO) - Upgrade to British Citizenship
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - 51A 1948 PGGF
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - 51A ETJ PGGF
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Bechuanaland Parent
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Burma Father
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Burma Independence
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Ceylon
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Ceylon Upgrade
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony birth
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony by Descent
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony (Father by Descent)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony (Father by Descent PGF)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony Marriage
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Colony PGF
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Cyprus
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Descent from BOC Father
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Descent from Pre 49 Birth Territory
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Father by Descent
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Father Pre 49 ETJ-12(4)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Federal Rhodesia Marriage
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - General Provisions
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Ghana
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Hong Kong (Post 1 July 1997)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Hong Kong (Pre 1 July 1997)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Kenya
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Kenya PGF
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Kenya Stateless
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Losing South African Domicility Pre 49
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Marriage pre 49
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Marriage to CUKC Husband pre 49
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Nyasaland
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Nyasaland PGF
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Penang & Malacca
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Pre 49 12(3)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Pre 49 Birth Territory
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Protectorate
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Protectorate by Descent
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Protectorate from Father
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Rhodesia
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Territory (Father by Descent)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Territory (PGF Colony)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Upgrade (11(1)2.1.a.1971)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Upgrade (11(1)2.1.c.1971)
- British Overseas Citizen (BOC) - Upgrade (11(1)2.2.1971)
- British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC)
- British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC) - Akrotiri & Dhekelia
- British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC by Descent)
- British Passport
- British Passport Application
- British Passport by Birth
- British Passport by Birth Application
- British Passport by Descent
- British Passport by Descent Application
- British Passport by Double Descent
- British Passport for Children
- British Passport for Grandchildren
- British Passport from Father
- British Passport from Grandfather
- British Passport from Grandmother
- British Passport from Grandparent
- British Passport from Mother
- British Passport from Parent
- British Passport through Ancestry
- British Protected Person (BPP)
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Bahrain
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Bechuanaland
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Brunei
- British Protected Person (BPP) - By Birth
- British Protected Person (BPP) - By Descent
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Descent from Father
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Kenya
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Kenya by Descent
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Kenya Stateless
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Malay States
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Nyasaland
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Tanganyika
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Tanganyika by Descent
- British Protected Person (BPP) - Uganda
- British Subject
- British Subject - Birth in Ireland
- Children turning 18
- Child under 18
- Citizen of the UK & Colonies Passport (CUKC)
- Citizenship Report
- Dual Nationality
- Ireland and Northern Ireland (Birth in Foreign Country)
- Ireland and Northern Ireland - Irish passport
- Irish Citizenship by Double Descent (GP born in Ireland)
- Irish Citizenship from Parent (Indefinite Transmission)
- NEW - British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory by Discretion - Father Illegitimate) Post 82
- NEW - British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory by Discretion - Father Illegitimate) Pre 83
- NEW - British Citizenship (British Overseas Territory by Discretion - Mother) Pre 83
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L British Overseas Territory GP by Discretion FC)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L British Overseas Territory GP by Discretion FC) Post 82
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Father Territory)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Father Territory Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Mother Protectorate)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Mother Territory)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Mother Territory Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Parent Sec 3(2))
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Post 82 - PGF)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (4L Post 82 - PGF BOTC)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Birth in the UK)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Birth in UK post 82 - 4LF)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Birth in UK post 82 - 4LM)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (By Descent - Parent born in UK)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR - Children turning 18)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR - Children under 16)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR Partner - Children under 18)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR - PGF Born in UK)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - Child)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 Father)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - Illegitimate)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - Illegitimate) CCh1
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - Illegitimate) CCh2
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - Illegitimate) Sib
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - MGF Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 Mother)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 Partner)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - PGF Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR post 82 - PGF&MGF Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83 Father)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83 Mother)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83 - Parents Marriage post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83 Partner)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR pre 83 - PGF Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR Territory - Children under 18)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (CBR Territory Partner - Children under 18)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Father Territory - Marriage RoA)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Father Territory - Maternal RoA)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Hong Kong - Wedlock)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Kenya - Mother Renounced)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage BOTC)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 49 Mother)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 71)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Father)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Husband)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Mother)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Spouse - FC)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Spouse - GP)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre 83 Wife)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage pre Independence)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Marriage Sec 6(2) - Discrimination) Partner
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (MGF - Reverse 12(5))
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Mother Territory - Paternal RoA)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Partner by Discretion - Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Pre 49)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Pre 49 Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Pre 83 FC - Father Wedlock Discretion)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent 4L Under 18)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent 4L Under 18 - Partner)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent Father)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - FC post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - FC pre 83)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - FC pre 83 Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent Mother)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - Territory post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - Territory pre 83)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Triple Descent - Territory pre 83 Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Under 18 - CBR pre 83 Parents Marriage post 82 Can)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Discretion (Under 18 - CBR pre 83 Parents Marriage post 82 Par)
- NEW British Citizenship by Double Descent (1979 Home Secretary 4L - Pre 83)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Colony by Descent by Discretion)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Colony - Discretion via Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Discretion - Post 82 Sec 6(2))
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Discretion - Pre 83 Birth Colony)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Discretion - Pre 83 Colony BOTC)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Gender Discretion - Sec 3(2)) Father
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Gender Discretion - Sec 3(2)) Mother
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Gender Discretion - Sec 3(2)) Parents
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Northern Rhodesia by Discretion)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Northern Rhodesia by Discretion Post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Northern Rhodesia by Discretion Pre 49)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland by Discretion)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland by Discretion Post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Nyasaland by Discretion Pre 49)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory by Discretion)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory by Discretion post 82)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory by Discretion pre 49)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Territory - Discretion via Marriage)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM CBR post 82 Ireland)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (UKM CBR pre 83 Ireland)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Wedlock Discretion - Sec 3(2) Father)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Wedlock Discretion - Sec 3(2) GF)
- NEW - British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Gender Discretion - Sec 3(2) No GP) Father
- NEW - British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Gender Discretion - Sec 3(2) No GP) Mother
- NEW - British Citizenship by Triple Descent (Romein Colony RoA Ireland)
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Bahrain
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Kuwait
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Oman
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Qatar
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Saudi Arabia
- Non-Arabian Ancestry in Yemen
- One-on-One Consultations with our British nationality specialists in the US
- One-on-One Consultations with our specialists in the UAE
- Philip Gamble
- Registration of Minor Child
- Resident in the UK and acquiring British citizenship
- Status Trace
- UK residents returning to South Africa