United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Kenya)
This route to British Citizenship stems from a family connection to Kenya and arises in the following circumstances:
- the applicant was born in the Kenya Colony before its independence on 12 December 1963; AND
- neither of their parents were born in a territory that subsequently formed part of independent Kenya.
- the applicant was born between 12 December 1963 and 31 December 1982;
- the applicant's father was born in the Kenya Colony before its independence on 12 December 1963; AND
- neither of the applicant's paternal grandparents were born in a territory that subsequently formed part of independent Kenya.
- the applicant was born before 12 December 1963 in a place that did NOT form part of Kenya upon independence;
- the applicant's father was born in the Kenya Protectorate before 1949; AND
- neither of the applicant's paternal grandparents were born in a territory that subsequently formed part of independent Kenya.
In most cases, it requires the candidate to have the Right of Abode based on having a relevant grandparent born in the UK.