United Kingdom - Passport & Nationality - British Citizenship by Double Descent (Mother Territory)
This rare claim to British nationality by double descent has arisen from recent changes to the legislation to remedy gender discrimination in old British nationality law. The result is that claims can now come down the maternal side of the family. This particular solution can arise where:
- The applicant was born before 01.01.1983 in an independent country;
- The applicant's mother was born in a former British Protectorate, Protected State, UK Mandated or Trust Territory, or a country where the UK exercised Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) over British Subjects;
- The applicant's maternal grandfather was born in a former British Colony that remained a colony after the applicant's country of birth became independent; AND
- The applicant having the Right of Abode through a UK-born maternal grandmother.
A further requirement is that the paternal grandfather of the applicant's mother was born in a place that remained a British Colony in the post 1949 period.